Brands around the world are right now asking:

“Where is our product demand
in 1 month, 3 month or even 1 year?”

Measure what has proven to by predictive: consumers gut instinct along with underlying reasons. All accessible in a simple and interactive dashboard.

Read this article on why it is the answer to your companies planning. This 1-Pager has more on our service.

BOOK A DEMO and learn about the forecasts for 12 main categories and how to forecast your own future demand now.

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  • p.s. The 12 Categories are:
    Home electronics
    Home appliances
    Movies, music, books, games
    Streaming of movies and music
    Restaurants, bars, cafés
    Clothing and shoes
    Furniture and household equipment
    Home improvement and garden products
    Holiday & Travel
    Watches and jewellery